Reese Witherspoon's Draper James tortoise sunglasses, blue striped shirtdress, and straw bagJun 22, 2019Reese Witherspoon Tweeted THIS photo.Her sunglasses are the Draper James Eliza Tortoise Sunglasses. Buy them HERE.Her dress is the Helen Jon x Draper James Striped Shirtdress. Buy it HERE and HERE.Her bag is the Draper James Straw Embroidered Dot Bag. Buy it HERE and HERE.#reesewitherspoon #draperjames #helenjon #helenjonxdraperjames #tortoisesunglasses #sunglasses #shirtdress #stripeddress #strawbag
Reese Witherspoon Tweeted THIS photo.Her sunglasses are the Draper James Eliza Tortoise Sunglasses. Buy them HERE.Her dress is the Helen Jon x Draper James Striped Shirtdress. Buy it HERE and HERE.Her bag is the Draper James Straw Embroidered Dot Bag. Buy it HERE and HERE.#reesewitherspoon #draperjames #helenjon #helenjonxdraperjames #tortoisesunglasses #sunglasses #shirtdress #stripeddress #strawbag