Kendall Jenner's floral print dressApr 5, 2021Kendall Jenner Tweeted THIS photo.She is wearing the Rodarte Daisy-Printed Silk Dress!Get the look for less here: Selena Gomez wore the same dress in her De Una Vez music video, as seen here: #KendallJenner #SelenaGomez #floralprintdress #pinkdress #puffsleeves #puffsleevedress #DeUnaVez #DeUnaVezvideo #Rodarte
Kendall Jenner Tweeted THIS photo.She is wearing the Rodarte Daisy-Printed Silk Dress!Get the look for less here: Selena Gomez wore the same dress in her De Una Vez music video, as seen here: #KendallJenner #SelenaGomez #floralprintdress #pinkdress #puffsleeves #puffsleevedress #DeUnaVez #DeUnaVezvideo #Rodarte